Making the impossible

possible — automatically

We watched cloud-native environments rapidly accelerate.  

As cloud-native environments become increasingly dynamic and complex, managing them has become highly tedious and time-consuming.

While resource management was left behind.

While resource allocation remained static, consumption and demand in the real world are dynamic. Engineers spend precious time manually adjusting cloud resources to meet fluctuating demand — resulting in millions of dollars wasted on unused resources or poor application performance issues during peak demand.

The only solution is FULL AUTOMATION.

We realized the only way to bridge this gap was to fully automate and manage cloud resources in run-time. So, we decided to take action.

And for that, we assembled the dream team.

We gathered the most talented individuals out there and embarked on a mission to revolutionize cloud resource management.
As of today we automatically manage the production environments of thousands of industry leaders, including Fortune 100 companies.

And we are just getting Started.

Our values

What Makes Us Unique


Our Customers come first. Everything we do is derived from their pains and needs. Our first priority is to deliver our customers with the biggest value constantly.


We strive to be the best in every aspect of our work. By partnering with top investors and assembling the dream team of cloud technology experts, we are committed to consistently delivering top-quality results from product development to customer support.


We believe ownership is key for accountability, growth, and trust among team members. It empowers individuals to take charge of their responsibilities and fosters commitment and proactive problem-solving.

Our investors

Backed by Top Industry Investors

David Gussarsky
Gigi Levy Weiss
General Partner
Nofar Amikam
General Partner

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Your workloads, for 80% less

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